我国新闻工作者看了会哭嚎吧。在这国无法想象的事情,女人四十如狼五十如虎坐地能吃土无法感受的精神,超越这国对自由的认识。 越来越喜欢这种成熟老练炉火纯青不炫技不张扬风格不自恋的电影手法了。真大师。
「Life is full of frightful things. The great thing is to find something to be happy about and stick to that.」「Do you know what writing a book against war is like? It's like writing a book against Wednesdays. Wednesdays, are a fact of life and if you don't like them, you could stay in bed but you can't stop them because Wednesdays are coming and if today isn't actually a Wednesday it soon will be.」