好长一口气看完。虽然总开玩笑说印度神棍什么的,但加入西塔琴后的乔治个人的音乐真的不一般的好。LSD,冥想,和队友,和拉维,和Clapton的故事。RIP George。【最开始最喜欢John,后来喜欢Paul可爱,后来是黑白分明的George,嘿咻视频现在最喜欢的还是简单快乐的Ringo
SIFF #6 Real-life coming of age movie. What stands out here is the subtle push and pull dynamics between modern values and conservative traditions. On one hand we have characters saying the "correct" things, like "we parents shouldn't interfere what our children want", or there seemingly is direct intervention from School teachers and folks from "People's Committee" aiming to protect children's rights, which makes you think that tradition, as it stands, maybe are merely performative traditions in this day and age. Until at the very end when the brutal sequence unfolds in front of our eyes, the camera and the parents of Di, who almost decides to do nothing.