老万那条线用点心行不行啊主创。辛格导演真是老三部的味道,但是这么多人物能捋出来包括character能展现出来还是有两把刷子的。解决大反派的方式真是,我就一个反应:哦。我还是喜欢两位old friend的对手戏。反派够符号,新意少得我注意力全在Oscar得睫毛上。。。
3.5 Hey I am a cinema master look I am making a film with stunningly beautiful long shots and convoluted Mise-en-scène with coded dialogue and oh the whale a symbol and signifier begging for hundreds of thousands of essays and scholarships and journal articles and research funds and every film student's textbook. I am a CINEMA MASTER. (joking aside, this depiction of the masses is rather bleak and cynical I don't like it