he's probobaly the only one i think who's cool when one's smoking. other than that, i could only remember the nasty lungs and the weird plot
喜欢Diane Lane穿裙子,很优雅。 故事本身很简单也很落俗套,中年离婚妇女重新寻找爱情和生活的勇气。但是还是兴致勃勃地看完了。越来越喜欢意大利了,可能连续看了两部以这个国家为背景的电影。电影里对城市的大把大把的渲染,意大利人的热情和浪漫。找机会要去一次,尤其是那个贸易市场。 “They built the train over the Alps between Vienna and Venice even before there was a train in exist that could make the train,but they built it anyway.They know one day the train would come.