水果篮子第一季是由井端义秀,殿胜秀树,高岛大辅,榎本明广,猪狩崇,平向智子,川越崇弘,铃木孝聪,土屋康郎,工藤宽显,野木森达哉执导,石见舞菜香,岛崎信长,内田雄马,中村悠一,种崎敦美,佐藤聪美,钉宫理惠,潘惠美,古川慎,兴津和幸,樱井孝宏,坂本真绫,泽城美雪,市道真央主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:本田透(堀江由衣 配音)是一名单纯善良的女子高中生。母亲过世后,无处可去的她在误打误撞之中住进了校草草摩由希(久川绫 配音)的家中。草摩由希家里有十二口人,很快,本田透就发现了他们身上的秘密。原来
「You're not a stranger. You're one of us. To me, that's the best part about all of this. Having a community. A group of friends that gave up an entire weekend to help a kid that they've never met, just because they know that on some level, we've all been through the same thing. Because we are family.」