很少在这个时节听到雷声,有种初春的感觉,我琢磨可能叫秋雷吧!?看完电影出来,有迹象表明还刮过一场大风。在电影院里的时候似乎也听见了雷声,不知道是外面传来的,还是电影里面的。看到两个小时的时候,终于知道为什么感觉有什么不对了,脑袋里蹦出著名的slogen来:Better Call Saul,虽然孩子们他爸一个半小时时才登场。
3.5; Curse the misleading trailer! Thank god it’s not some formulaic expression of feminism as the trailer makes it out to be. After all, Little Women is not a didactic piece that urges women to discard their ‘heart’ and ‘beauty’ just because they are socially expected to have those qualities. When a social norm begins to threaten one's autonomy, always remember: if one went the opposite way of a stereotype for the sake of breaking that stereotype, one is still dictated by that very stereotype. Joe learns it the hard way, and her most revealing line in the film is: 'but I'm so lonely'. The very line that's been cut off from the trailer.